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What Should Your Thought Be On New Year Day? – Divine Message – Ugadi – March 25, 2020

All be happy, all be healthy. Nobody should have any sorrow. That should be the prayer on every lip today. Every moment is a happy moment for the one who has happiness inside. So much of what you make of this year depends on what you become, what you are. And that is most important. Whatever life throws at us – accepting all with equal attitude, that should be the effort that one has to put in the beginning of this year and that alone will help us survive this year. Whether year is good for you or not, it is up to you not up to the year. The focus that all the devotees, all the students, teachers, staff, everybody should have is, what is that I can do good from today onwards?

These three things our devotees should not engage in. Don’t smoke, don’t drink alcohol, don’t eat non-vegetarian food – meat. This new year should teach us that all those old, dead habits must go. Ask this question today. What can I do to be a better human being? How can I be of help to others not of any harm because of my habits, my ways? That is the most important thing that we must do at the beginning of this year. Some devotees asked, “What should we do because we cannot medically help people?” Chant Rudram. Rudram is very very powerful Mantra. It is very very important that we are proud of our culture one, and we follow the tenets of our culture which is simple, help ever, hurt never. Because of my thought, word or any action, let no harm come to anybody. Let no suffering come to others. And not even to me.

And all the devotees across the world wherever you are, Minimum you can do is if you are eating, make sure that one more person eats. This is the time, as humanity, we must care for each other and not run away and shy away. If you don’t know how to chant Rudram, you listen to Rudram, and minimum you can do is, do Namasmarana. It will first strengthen you from within, your Atmabalam will increase. And then ManobalamDehabalam everything will increase from that Atmabalam. That is the minimum we can do. The challenges are not over yet. This is just the beginning. Lot more challenges are there for humanity to face in the coming years. To all the devotees around the world, all the teachers, staff, students, this is the message, don’t fear, don’t panic, have faith, have surrender, keep mind positive, keep your habits clean and pure, depend on God than on everything else. Use this time to turn your gaze inwards and not run behind the external. Definitely future will be better.

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