March 11, 2020 – Day 01, Morning
Bhagawan’s chopper landed at Sri Sathya Sai Sathyaniketanam, Hassan, on the morning of 11th March around 10:00 a.m He was welcomed by Poorna Kumbam, Veda procession and dance by Grade 6 students. The interns from Sri Sathya Sai Centre for Human Excellence offered Pada Puja to Bhagawan, while the devotees and Chairman of the campus welcomed their Lord with garlands. Collecting letters, granting Pada Namaskar, enquiring about the welfare of students, Bhagawan blessed all the students, staff and devotees and retired for a short rest.
Bhagawan arrived for the morning Satsang at around 11:30 AM. The boys offered few Bhajans after which they offered the customary salutation to the Lord by Vedic Invocation. Sri Vasudevan, the Chairman of the Campus welcomed Bhagawan and all those present in the Hall and offered his gratitude to Bhagawan for his infinite love and compassion towards all the children.
Thereafter, the students offered few songs. Two of students offered their gratitude for providing the opportunity to be in His institution and prayed to Him to keep them forever with Him. The staff member, who spoke, offered his gratitude for the opportunity he got and requested Bhagawan to install love and devotion and the strength to take care of Bhagawan’s children in the way He wants.
In the divine message, Bhagawan explained the importance of Namasmarana and Bhakti. He said that all the teachers in the campuses are like priests and all children are Gods. He explained how a priest worships God in the temple by waking Him with Puja till He was made to go sleep; in same way the children should be taken care and moulded to be the best resource for Bhagawan’s mission. He said in His institution it is “Vidayarthi Devo Bhava—student is God”. He also mentioned that, He is the devotee who has come to meet the Gods and offer all that, which will make Gods comfortable and happy. He will also observe whether the priests (teachers) are worshipping the Gods (students) in the right way. Bhagawan also urged all the children to develop devotion and discipline in their lives.
After the Arati, Bhagawan retired for lunch and rest.
In the evening, Bhagawan first visited the construction site of the upcoming new hostel building. He went around the building, keenly observed the whole area and guided the engineers of the building. He then proceeded to the prayer hall for the evening Satsang.
The students welcomed Bhagawan to the prayer hall with Bhajans, offered Vedic invocation, after which few songs were sung in the divine presence. He then proceeded to His room, while the stage was arranged for the evening cultural programme.
The cultural programme for the evening was Yakshagana titled ‘Sita Swayamvara’. The traditional Karnataka dance, Yakshagana was performed for the first time by the boys and they depicted the birth of Lord Ram and His brother, the episode of killing demons such as Tattaki, Subhau and Maricha and how He helped sage Vishwamitra for the Yajna, the episode of blessing Mata Ahalya and finally the Sita Swayamvara. Bhagawan blessed the students, artists and the makeup men with tokens of love.
Arati was offered to Bhagawan and Prasadam was distributed to all those gathered there.
Bhagawan then blessed all with dinner and distributed ice-creams to all. He then retired to His room.
March 12, 2020 – Day 02, Morning
In the morning Bhagawan blessed all the students, staff and devotees before He proceeded towards the helipad. Bhagawan’s chopper took off around 10:30 a.m