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Divine Visit To Sri Sathya Sai Sharadaniketanam, Mandya – March 12 And 13 March 2020

March 12, 2020 – Day 01, Evening

Bhagawan arrived at the Sri Sathya Sai Sharadaniketanam around 2:00 PM. He was received by the administrators and elders of the Campus. He was then taken in a procession with guard of honour. It was a traditional procession with Veda chanting, Poorna Kumbham, Mangalavaadya, Kamsale, Veeragase, Kahale and Nandikolu folkdances. All students lined up on either side of the road to receive their Lord to His very own abode SAI HRUDAYAM.

Bhagawan blessed the statue of Goddess Saraswathi at the entrance by offering rose petals, and He also showered His benevolence on the local devotees gathered. Bhagawan then showed the Mandir and His room to the guests who had followed Him and then retired for a short rest.

In the evening Bhagawan proceeded to visit the construction site of the new upcoming hostel building (SAI CHAAYA) and guided the engineers about the way forward. He commanded the construction team to make synthetic volleyball, basketball and shuttle badminton court in the courtyard of the hostel. He also guided Sri. Shilpi Subramaniam regarding the prayer hall work. He commanded to get the building ready for inauguration which would be conducted on 17th and 18th of May. He then blessed all the workers gathered there with prasadam and proceeded to the Shiva temple.

In Sri Gavisiddeshwara temple, Bhagawan expounded on the Sthala Mahima of the place and history of the temple and the sage who resided there. He then took Arati and walked into another temple, Dhyana Mantapam where Lord Shiva is worshipped. He narrated the story behind the construction of this Shiva temple. He then revealed His plans of constructing a Kalayani – Pond and the reason why He wants to make it. He said in the future, people will bring water from this pond and will do Abhishekam to Shivalingam – like how it used to happen in the olden times. He then proceeded to Maramma temple who was the deity of the village and explained the story behind the re-construction of the temple to guests and blessed the villagers who flocked there to have his Darshan with Prasadam. He then returned to SAI HRYDAYAM where the Satsang was arranged. Including students and staff and devotees, around 600 of them were gathered to be part of the satsang.

There was a music programme with symposium by the students.  They offered devotional songs in different languages including an abhang and a tabla performance. Bhagawan expressed His happiness and granted His Divine message.

Bhagawan said “Sri Rama assured if you surrender once I will grant you Abhayam; Sri Krishna told, Ananyaschintayanto Mam Yogakshemam Vahaamyaham – If you think of me always, I will look after your welfare. But I, Sathya Sai, don’t have any condition. My Swaroopa itself is love. You don’t even have to ask and pray to be looked after. My very nature itself is to love. Even if you say that I belong to you, then even if you want to leave me, I won’t leave. I will hold your hands and protect you. He expressed His happiness about the quality of music programme and Bhajans, which students have sung with utmost devotion and love. He said if Bhajans are good that’s enough for me. Bhajan is my Bhojan. He said to students that, “You have given me a grand feast by singing Bhajans with your heart”. He also remembered and appreciated the contributions of Sri G M Anantha Murthy, Smt Chaaya Murthy and Sri Jayarama Reddy, who moulded the students with a very solid cultural foundation. He expressed His joy by announcing that He would come to the campus in July after Guru Poornima and would stay in the campus for fifteen days.

Therafter, Arati was offered and Bhagawan retired for dinner and rest.

March 13, 2020 – Day 02, Morning

The Morning activities began with Bhagawan having a private session with the Grade 10 students and guided them for their exam and future. He urged them to prepare for serving the society without having any fear in mind for He is there to look after them. He spoke about His mission at length. He motivated all the students to prepare themselves to bring back the glory of BHARATH. He guided each student about which course to join in Pre-University next year while distributing admission ticket and scholar’s kit.

Bhagawan then blessed all the staff members with an interview. He guided all on how to look after His children and prepare them well without any self-interest. He assured them that “If they look after His children well and mould them, He would take full care of their future and family”. He advised only those who are sick need more attention of the doctor and in the same way those who are naughty need more love, care, concern and guidance of the teacher. He blessed all staff with gifts and a group photo. He advised all of them to become Acharyas.

Bhagawan the proceeded for the morning Satsang. Bhagawan and His guests were welcomed by the Chairman of the institution, Sri Rajashekar G B, and the programme started with Vedic invocation. Bhagawan lovingly guided the Vedam group and granted them a group photo.

This was followed by three speakers offering their token of gratitude at the Divine Lotus Feet. First was Kiran Kellur of Grade 10 who shared his journey from RSS to SSS and how he transformed to be an able student of Bhagawan. He also offered his gratitude for the opportunity that all the students have and requested all to never waste it.

Chethan K of Grade 8 spoke about the love of his Master and his journey in the institution.

Jeevan S, an intern from Sri Sathya Sai Centre for Human Excellence, shared his thought on Bhagawan’s mission and how Bhagawan takes care of all and requested all to have unflinching and unshakeable faith in Bhagawan.

Bhagawan then blessed the students with prizes for securing highest marks in Ramayana and Mahabharata examinations held at the State Level. He also blessed the students for securing State Level prizes in Prathibha Karanji competitions.

Sri. B N Narasimha Murthy appreciated the three speakers and explained in detail about the inner meaning of what they have shared in his own poetic way. He shared the present condition of the world and how the mission of Bhagawan will steer the course of the world. He declared that Bhagawan is the only answer and saviour of this world, which is full of chaos.

Bhagawan said, “Yatra Yogishwara Krishna Yatra Partho Danurdharaha” – Dharma was established because God was there and also the instrument was ready to obey the master. In the same way, I’m always there; you all have to become Arjunas who are ready to work for Dharmasamsthapana. He urged all students to become Arjunas to help Sai Krishna in His grand mission. He cited various organisations as an example and the reason they have not achieved their mission and how our mission will succeed, provided we all are available for Him like Arjuna. He then shared his future plan for Mandya and the Pre-University college which would be starting from the next academic year.

Bhagawan, on His way to have lunch, blessed the newly installed CCTV cameras in the building and inaugurated it by switching on the CCTV systems. He then proceeded towards the dining hall for lunch with all the students, staff and guests and distributed ice-creams to all.

Bhagawan then proceeded to the helipad and took off from the campus assuring all the students that He would visit them very soon in the month of May for the inauguration of new hostel building. Around 02:30 PM, Bhagawan’s chopper left to Muddenahalli.



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